Get Your Workplace Organized

Please take the time to read about the positive difference a Union can make in your workplace and your life, the steps necessary to organize a Union, your rights under the law and ways to contact a Union organizer.

Union workers’ median weekly earnings2
Nonunion workers’ median weekly earnings
Young (ages 16-24) Union workers’ median weekly earnings
Young (ages 16-24) nonunion workers’ median weekly earnings
Union women’s median weekly earnings
Nonunion women’s median weekly earnings
African American Union workers’ median weekly earnings
African American nonunion workers’ weekly median earnings
Latino Union workers’ median weekly earnings
Latino nonunion workers’ median weekly earnings
Union workers participating in job-provided health insurance1
Nonunion workers participating in job-provided health insurance
Union workers participating in guaranteed (defined-benefits) pension plans
Nonunion workers participating in guaranteed (defined-benefits) pension plans
Union workers with paid sick leave
Nonunion workers with paid sick leave
Union workers have the right to a grievance procedure
Nonunion workers are At Will Employees

  1. 1 - U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, National Compensation Survey: Employee Benefits in the United States, March 2016.
  2. 2 - U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Union Members 2016, released January 2017

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